

All Photography By Odell artwork is custom made. Please allow 2 to 4 weeks for production and delivery of your art.

Packing Options

Shipping artwork requires special handling and care. In our best interest to deliver all prints in excellent condition, we offer heavy duty flat or art tube packaging materials to our customers during checkout.


Prints over 36 inch in width uses tube shipping only so we can offer you the lowest shipping charge we can in each case.

Sales Tax

Prices do not include any applicable taxes, which will be identified separately on your receipt at checkout. 

Items shipped to destinations in the states of Alabama, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, and Ohio are subject to tax.

Shipping Services and Tracking

We ship products Monday through Friday via USPS, UPS or FedEx. We will provide you with a tracking number sent via e-mail as soon as your package(s) is in transport. You have the possibility to check the state of your order online at any time and estimate when the artwork will be delivered.

You can email us at for any other questions related to your shipment.

If you are satisfied with your purchase, please recycle all packaging materials to help the environment.

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